I made ONE decision two years ago that changed my life.
For years I knew that I wanted a studio… actually, I knew this for my entire life. I was willing to work really hard and pray even harder. I just knew that I was born to be an artist who could be in a position to give back.
Every time I came close, I failed.
And that failure crushed me… but I never let it define me. I realized that failure is not the end, but it is the beginning of something special. All of the hard work I was putting in would one day pay off.
Want to know the one decision that changed everything?
I found a business mentor. This was the missing piece that I needed to put together my first real business plan. This was the part where I finally saw the road that I had been following was actually one that I was stumbling down, at night without headlights. I was “shooting from the hip” as to what might help my business not drown.
With my newfound tools (better map, mentor and more drive than ever) I could see the possibility of a studio within my grasp. I told everybody about my dream and started looking for a space.
Time after time I came up empty-handed.
Then I heard the softest voice whisper in my heart, “You haven’t asked me yet.” I knew who this was.
I had literally asked every single person in my life for help, except for God. So with a fervent faith I whispered back, “God, I would love to have my own studio. Is this ever going to happen for me?”
Funny thing, his response, “What does it look like?”.
I envisioned every detail as if to upload my perfect space with hypersonic speed. And I kid you not, 10 minutes later an old friend messaged me saying he may have the perfect space.
And he was right. Remember, in your journey, God knows the desires of your heart.